8011 aluminum foil for composite insulation materials

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Aluminum foil is soft, light, heat-resistant, aging-resistant, and easy to composite with other materials. It is currently recognized as an excellent insulation material with excellent performance internationally, usually 8011 aluminum foil. When using it, wrap some insulation cotton inside and then wrap it with aluminum foil to block the conduction of external temperature and protect the temperature inside from being affected.

8011 aluminum foil has good ductility, moisture-proof, airtight, light-shielding, and abrasion-resistant. After being composited with other materials, it is used as a thermal insulation material and is widely used in roofs, walls, ceilings, floors, doors and windows of buildings.

8011 aluminum foil for composite insulation materials

How much is 8011 aluminum foil per ton? Which manufacturer to choose?

The price of 8011 aluminum foil is composed of the average closing price of the Yangtze River spot A00 aluminum ingot on the day of delivery + processing fee. Those who understand the market know that the price of 8011 aluminum foil is not fixed. Not only do different manufacturers have different quotations, but different specifications of the same manufacturer also have different quotations. It is mainly affected by factors such as market aluminum ingot prices, product specifications, and manufacturer strength.

Mingtai Aluminum's 8011 aluminum foil has many advantages and has become the choice of many customers. Henan Mingtai Aluminum can process 8011 aluminum foil with a thickness of 0.02-0.2mm and a width of 200-1600mm. Its surface is clean, uniform in color, flat, and has no spots. It also has excellent performance and is widely used as bottle cap materials, lunch box materials, medical packaging, food packaging, tape foil, etc., with good market feedback. The company has a strong production capacity and can supply many domestic and foreign companies for a long time at a reasonable price!

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